Sebo Vacuums
Our future-forward, technological breakthroughs in the science of cleaning are without precedent in our industry.

SEBO: The world's leading manufacturer of high-quality vacuum cleaners.

Image result for sebo vacuumsIn 1978, two engineers, with a vision of a cleaning system unlike anything ever produced, founded SEBO in Velbert, Germany. Since then, SEBO has become the manufacturer of the finest quality commercial-grade vacuum cleaners in the world. We've sold more than four million units to markets in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America, with cumulative sales exceeding one billion dollars. We also manufacture private-label machines for some of the top distributors in the world and are the preferred vacuum cleaner of the top hotels, hospitals, universities and government institutions worldwide . . . even The White House and Buckingham Palace! And now, our state-of-the-art cleaning technologies are available for use in your home.

SEBO vacuums have received awards and recognition from Better Homes and Gardens, Consumer's Digest, TIME, Real Simple, Wired Test and other magazines. Our future-forward, technological breakthroughs in the science of cleaning are without precedent in our industry.

SEBO's first shipment to the U.S.A. was in 1979 for commercial cleaning customers, followed by its duo-P Cleaning Powder in 1984, and its household vacuums were launched in 1997.

SEBO was the WORLD'S FIRST Vacuum Manufacturer to Introduce:

  • An integrated suction hose on an upright vacuum.
  • A timing-belt-driven brush with clutch protection.
  • A dust bag that fills from the top, followed by a microfilter and then the motor.
  • An electrostatic microfilter.
  • An electronic brush control and safety shut off.
  • A soft bumper on a canister vacuum, which protects furniture and walls from damage.
  • An electronically controlled automatic height adjustment, S-class filtration, and a detail wand with telescopic hose. To this day, the most modern vacuum cleaner in the world!


Automatic X4
Automatic X5
Felix 1 Premium
Essential G1
Essential G2




Airbelt D4 Premium
Airbelt K2 Kombi
Airbelt K3


Visit our online store for more details!

Benefits of "Shopping Small"

The NAYS of Online or Big Box: 

  • No in-house appliance repair staff
  • Lack of sales staff with the proper appliance training and knowledge
  • Inconvenient appliance delivery schedules
  • Oftentimes, the delivery causes issues or damage
  • Hard to reach someone over the phone to discuss details after purchasing, especially when ordering online

The YAYS of Buying Locally With Us:

  • In-house repairmen available
  • Floor team members are well trained and have a thorough knowledge of the inventory
  • In-house delivery staff and installation professionals
  • Questions answered at the time of pickup or delivery
  • More likely to meet your delivery time requirements, likely having your item in stock
  • Easy to reach and communicate with
  • Plenty of promotions and sales prices throughout the year